Pesquisa Biomédica


Wearable textile antenna design in body centric wireless communications: a systematic literature review

Saadat Hanif Dar, Jameel Ahmed

In the recent years, the Textile antenna design has become an attractive research area to its persistent ehealthcare applications. Wearable antennas are becoming widespread and their demands are significantly increasing sense of their use in smart clothes in wireless communications. This paper reviews design and applications of various wearable textile antennas used in body-centric wireless communications. Ordinary, fabric is normally used as a substrate that presents a very low dielectric constant and reduces the surface wave losses and bandwidth. Wearable antennas are used in close proximity with human body and antennas continuously exchange water molecules from the surrounding environment due to these electromagnetic properties are biased. This paper, presents a systematic literature review for the design and development of wearable textile antennas from selection of fabric material to edging of antennas. Primary studies involved in this work are identified through a selection process and clearly stated inclusion exclusion criteria. Further, survey results are presented and the outlook for further study is summarized.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado.