Revista de Pesquisa em Virologia


Treatment of acute myeloid leukemia in patients under treatment for HIV/AIDS.

Tobias Wagner

Both human immunodeficiency infection (HIV) disease and intense myeloid leukemia (AML) may be considered generally exceptional disarranges within the common populace, but the exact frequency of AML in individuals living with HIV contamination (PLWH) is questionable. In any case, life anticipation of recently tainted HIV-positive patients getting anti-retroviral treatment (Craftsmanship) is steadily expanding, rivaling that of age-matched HIV-negative people, so that the occurrence of AML is additionally expected to continuously increment. Indeed in the event that HIV isn't detailed to be straightforwardly mutagenic, a few backhanded leukemogenic instruments, basically based on bone marrow microenvironment disturbance, have been proposed. In spite of a well-controlled HIV contamination beneath Craftsmanship ought to not be considered per se a contraindication to seriously chemotherapeutic approaches, counting allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, in chosen fit patients with AML, survival results are still for the most part unsuitable.