The influence of early thrombolysis on C-reactive protein values and functional outcome after acute ischemic stroke
Ljubica Nikcevic, Milan Savic, Milica Lazovic, Marija Hrkovic, Natasa Mujovic, Dejan Nikolic
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of early thrombolysis of patients after acute ischemic stroke on C-reactive protein (CRP) values and functional improvement. From 62 patients with acute ischemic stroke that were evaluated, 32 received thrombolytic therapy (Group A), and 30 were without thrombolytic therapy (Group B). Degree of the neurological deficit was evaluated by the functional independence measure (FIM) test at the admission and after early rehabilitation program (14 days after admission). We found significant increase in FIM values (p<0.01) and significant decrease for CRP values (p<0.01) after early rehabilitation program. Concerning thrombolytic therapy administration, there is significant correlation between FIM values (p<0.01) and between CRP values (p<0.01) at admission and after 14 days in both group of patients. The group that received thrombolytic therapy after early rehabilitation program showed significant negative correlation between FIM and CRP values (p<0.05). Our study pointed out that thrombolytic therapy applied according to the protocol for the acute ischemic stroke in the stroke unit might increase better functional recovery of these patients.