Jornal de Patologia e Biologia de Doenças


Pathology is the study of diseases

Silvia Montaner

Pathology is a field of medicine that studies and diagnoses disease by examining surgically removed organs, tissues (biopsy samples), physiological fluids, and, in certain situations, the entire body (autopsy). The general anatomical make-up of a body specimen, the appearance of the cells utilising immunological markers, and chemical signatures in the cells are all factors to consider. Pathology also encompasses the related scientific study of disease processes, which investigates the causes, mechanisms, and scope of disease. Cellular adaptation to injury, necrosis (death of living cells or tissues), inflammation, wound healing, and neoplasia are all areas of research (abnormal new growth of cells). Pathologists specialise in a wide range of disorders, including cancer, and pathologists make the great majority of cancer diagnosis. Under a microscope, the cellular pattern of tissue samples is examined to identify whether they are malignant or non-cancerous (benign). Genetic research and gene markers are also used by pathologists in the diagnosis of many disorders.