Maternal supplementation and demographic features association with developing fetus
Madiha Sikander, Javed Anver Qureshi, Arif Malik, Muhammad Sikander Ghayas Khan, Qurratul-Ain, Rabia Ghayas
Background: In Pakistan, most of the low socio-economic setup and under nutrition mothers deliver the babies having multiple congenital anomalies. These abnormalities make infant physically disable and sometimes mentally retarded too. Nutritional status of mother effects on various pregnancy pregnancy.
Objectives: To find out the impact of supplementation and demographic features of mother on her fetus through scan.
Methodology: The study was conducted to investigate the association of nutritional status and demographic features on pregnancy scan in Pakistani women. This data was collected from different areas of Pakistan, during January 2015 to June 2015, through proforma. The proforma was designed by literature review and expert opinion, consisting of eight questions, filled by researcher in formal interview with pregnant woman of 2nd trimester. The sample size of the study was two fifty two. Data was analyzed by using SPSS16.
Results: Results of this study show that 46% mothers were using no nutritional supplement during pregnancy and out of 46%, 36.5% women were bearing their first pregnancy, 93.7% women showed normal scan. 31.7% women got normal BMI, while significant association was found among scan, pregnancy number and BMI of mother.
Conclusion: The results showed that BMI value and number of pregnancy are the factors which have profound effect on the fetus scan. Supplementation and Hb level have negative correlation with scan. Other demographic factors have clinically significant effects on the pregnancy outcomes.