Pesquisa Biomédica


Hoof of mule causes contraception- a pilot study on female wistar rats

Majid Ghareghani, Ramin Jannesar, Heibatollah Sadeghi, Hossein Hejr, Vahid Ghareghani

After years of query, we found that hoof of mule, a compound with contraceptive effect, had been used more than a century ago by the nomadic populations of Iran. We tested the effects of Hoof on female rats. Hoof was administered orally (0.12 g/kg) for 3 days and the rats were mated on day 10 after the last administration. The mean number of pups 5 hours after delivery on day 21 was 14.67 ± 0.21 for the control group (Group-A), 4.16 ± 0.40 for rats experiencing their first pregnancy (Group-B), and no pups for rats experiencing their second pregnancy (Group C). Analysis of the uterus demonstrated failure of embryo implantation in one of the fallopian tubes of Group B, and no implantation in Group C. Assessment of serum levels of estradiol and progesterone showed completely opposite trends to the normal situation of hormonal changes after delivery. In summary, hoof of mule would appear to act through a complicated mechanism that may involve hormonal pathways. This new claim requires further extensive studies to determine the exact mechanism. The effective compound in hoof that affects hormonal balance and causes contraception is currently being analysed and identified.