Global warming and cooling: friend and foe to mankind.
Sokeland WP*
The Supernova and Nova Impact Theory, SNIT, proposes correlation between the right ascension locations of supernova remnants at the time of impact with respect to locations of red sand deposits and major oil fields indicating that the sand and oil fields are scars of the impact of the debris stream on our planet. The supernovas aiding the melt of the Wisconsin Glaciations ice caps also produce deep hydrocarbon deposits in the mantle forming many of the world’s oil producing areas. A Specific mega event forms the Fertile Crescent and is correlated with an exit crater of an interstellar meteor that penetrates and exits the earth’s mantle while forming the mud volcanic basin of the Black Sea. The Monogem Ring Supernova causes the beginning of the Wisconsin Ice Age by placing iron deposits in the eastern Pacific Ocean via its western terminus locations and the eastern terminus locations are suggested by high quality iron ore and manganese deposits on land in Eurasia, Africa, and the Cook Islands. SN 1006’s deflected north western termini begins in the Greenland region and moves to the southeast to cause death via hotspots during 2014-2016 in Kazakhstan, India, and Pakistan. Grouped lower Alaskan average temperatures in the winter of 2016 are an indicator of the end of the drought in California. The impacts of supernovas 1054 and 1006 are marked by an out of season tornado outbreak in November 2005 and the record tornado outbreak in April 2011, respectively.