Evaluation of the direct relationship between bacterial load on contaminated stainless steel surgical instruments and the holding time prior to disinfection and also to analyse the efficacy of different disinfecting solutions
Xiao-ling Li, Gui-yun Ji
Background: Aim of the study was to evaluate the direct association between the bacterial load on surgical instruments and the time of holding before the disinfection procedure and further Comparison of disinfecting efficacy of glutaraldehyde, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ethyl alcohol on contaminated surgical instruments.
Method: Out of the total of 120 pairs, 60 pairs were of tissue forceps and 60 pairs of DeBakey forceps were evaluated in this study. The four different inocula were prepared in the two different medium. The inocula of 5 × 103 CFU/ml of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli were prepared on the sheep blood agar and the inocula of Bacillus subtilis and their spores were prepared on the tripticase soy agar plates. Number of colonies were calculated and further compared with the initial time i.e. the time zero after the incubation. The pre-disinfection count of microorganisms were calculated and compared with post disinfection microbial count in each and every group. To elicit the growth of micro -organisms, nutrient agar was taken as a medium.
Results: In the first 6 h, the bacterial load did not showed any changes. It was absolutely the same as it was before the 6 h. However, after the passage of 6 h, the bacterial load started increasing suddenly.
Conclusion: We conclude our study that it should be mandatory to clean the surgical stainless steel instruments during the first 6 h after the surgery, so that the accurate and effective serialization of instrument can be achieved.