Avaliação e Remediação de Riscos Ambientais


Effect of temporal variability on phenology of brown sarson (Brassica rapa L. var. Oleifera): A mini review.

SabiaAkhter*,BilalAhmadLone,ShaziaRamzan,AmbreenNabi,VaseemYousuf,BhinishShakeel, K.A. Zargar and Iram Farooq

Time of sowing is very important for mustard production. Optimum sowing time plays an important role to exploit the genetic potential of a variety as it provides optimum growth conditions such as temperature, light, humidity and rainfall and it determines the length of growing season, time of flowering and also it has a great influence on dry matter accumulation, plant height, leaf area and leaf area index. Changes in sowing time expose the crop cycle to different environmental conditions, and thus modifying the duration of phenological phases. Phenological alterations are mainly due to photoperiod and temperature changes which affect some plant structures (e.g., number of leaf primordia and rate of leaf emergence), crucial for crop phenology. Delayed planting, unfavourable weather conditions during the flowering period, fertilization and pod formation can cause a decrease in duration of maturity period