Pesquisa Biomédica


An investigation of the underlying causes and distribution of male infertility in South of Iran-Bandar Abbas: a cross-sectional study

Mohsen Koolivand, Soghra Fallahi, Afshin Zeini, Mohammad Javad Hesam

Background: Male infertility accounts for a main portion of mortalities among couples and not only has economic and social consequences but it also induces psychological and consequently social problems in families. Male infertility is on a rising trend as an idiopathic disorder. A number of relevant cofactors of life-style such as obesity, smoking, illegal drugs, temperature, etc. can affect the male reproductive system. Materials and methods: A total number of 300 infertile patients participated in the present research. To describe the data, indices of central tendency and distribution were used and explore the correlation among the variables, the chi-squared test was run as well as Pearson’s correlation coefficient and t-test. The significance level of the data was considered as p?0.05. Results: The results revealed a statistically significant effect of smoking and varicocele on infertility (p?0.05). Among the occupations explored, holding an official post showed to be mostly associated with infertility and disorders in sperm parameters. However, the correlation between these variables was not statistically significant. The rate of infertility showed to be higher in men of higher BMI. Conclusion and recommendations: The present research aimed to evaluate the effect of contextual factors on male infertility. The results confirmed that among infertile men, fertility can be tremendously affected by their life style.

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